Global Strategic Partners & Organizations

  • Trompenaars

    Headed by cross-cultural management guru, Fons Trompenaars in partnerhip with Charles Hampden-Turner, THT Consulting is the world's leading cross-cultural management consultancy. Based in Amsterdam, Boston, and Singapore, THT provides consulting, training, coaching and learning services to help leaders and professionals manage and solve their business and cultural dilemmas.
    Trompenaars Hampden-Turner Consulting provides training and consulting services to both public and private sectors (mainly Top 500 Fortune companies) in the areas of globalization, mergers and acquisitions, corporate identity and sustainability, as well as training and leadership development on leveraging diversity and developing cultural awareness and competence. Its strength derives from a unique combination of an extensive track-record of rigorous research and intellectual capital captured in diagnostic tools and the world's largest cross-cultural databases.

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    Based in St. Louis, the mission of the Kozai Group is to assist organizations to develop global competencies within their executives, managers, and staff.
    The Kozai Group specializes in assessing and developing the global skills and competencies of their managerial cadres through the Global Competencies Inventory (GCI) and the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES), and custom-designed training programs that they develop based on assessment results. Their assessment inventories and training program designs are based on empirical research and provide the necessary rigor in content to ensure development of valid competencies associated with global leadership, global mindset, and strategic thinking.

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  • Fischer

    Located in Hamburg and Zurich, fgi is an international, globally networked management consultancy which focuses  on three major consulting areas: Leadership Excellence, Change Management and Cultural Transformation.
    fgi are specialists in these fields for many years now, deepening and honing their knowledge. As specialists on the invisible dimension on human psychology, they work with individuals on their inner views and attitudes as well as with organizations on their cultural orientation. They specialize in successfully managing the depth hidden under a company's surface.

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  • Center for Applied
    Cognitive Studies

    Located in Charlotte NC, CentACS have developed state-of-the-art products focused on the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Information gained from their assessments helps create awareness and understanding of how people are similar and different and how to leverage this to maximize productivity and engagement.
    CentACS' professional evaluations, including the WorkPlace Big Five Profile 4.0™ reveal how a personality-diverse workforce can effectively accomplish the objectives of the organization in a rapidly evolving world.

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  • Leadership
    Practices Inventory

    LPI was developed by Dr. James M. Kouzes and Dr. Barry Z. Posne in order to assess the behavioral capabilities of global leaders/managers who are working in the MNCs. This assessment can be measured in a 360 degree assessment style including self, peers, bosses, and other stakeholders. The areas of assessments cover the five different areas such as 1.Model the Way 2.Inspire a Shared Vision, 3.Challenge the Process, 4. Enable Others to Act, 5 Encourage the Heart. The office is located in Singapore.


  • Human Factors

    Located in Oslo, Human Factors is an international management consultant company specializing in teams, leadership, cultural diversity, communication,  project leadership, and measurement instruments.
    Human Factors supports organizations with test products, runs Diversity Icebreaker sessions all over the world, and consults to organizations that want to change their organizational culture.


  • University of
    Missouri St. Louis

    The University of Missouri St. Louis business school is ranked in the top twenty in the United States.
    UMSL and IGB jointly developed a two week executive program for global leaders of Japanese MNCs in a way that Japanese global leaders and managers are able to concentrate on studying for two weeks in the US. The participants also have a chance to visit the Chamber of Commerce in St. Louis and visit a local MNC firm in the St. Louis area.

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  • Nanjing University

    Nanking University is a top ranked Chinese university.
    Nanking University offers a world class MBA program in addition to executive development courses.
